Dzifah Hiatsi
1 min readMar 13, 2020

Do your research and cross reference…

The sun is free of charge and is the best way to make vitamin D’s boost your #immune system and strong bones…

#Fasting is free of charge. Fasting let’s your body heal itself naturally and #science supports this fact.

We humans like the #earth are more than 60 percent composed of #water. The statistics show that older people who generally retain less than 60 percent water in their bodies are majority affected by the #Coronavirus and die from it more.

#Children on the other hand who generally retain more water have been shown to be healthy carriers of the virus and do not generally develop symptoms and or die from the virus. (fact babies are about 75% water)

So push fluids, drink water, make pepper soup to hydrate your body, flush your system, carry oxygen throughout your body and maintain a healthy #mucous #membrane.

And fight any attempt to sell and or give rights over water bodies to the #whiteprivilege #man in our lands. - #ichangetheworld - #Dzifah #VodounVi

#coronavirus #healthylifestyle #BlackPeople #healthyliving #healing #selfhealing #energy #stillwerise #stillwithher #HillaryClinton @hillaryclinton @dzifah.h #cure #BlackLivesMatter #africaunite #ghana #nigeria #southafrica #namibia

Dzifah Hiatsi
Dzifah Hiatsi

Written by Dzifah Hiatsi

Journalist, Humanist, Activist, Coffee & Beer snub, Vodoun Child, WorldCitizen, Fitness, Healthy Living, Photographer. I will Change The World #IChangeTheWorld